Welcome into a new world!
Esperanzia is a fairy tale about a not so far off future: after a big crash of the anthropecene era, the surviving humans organise themselves in a new way: Esperanzia.
A tribe, a village, a new world where people live in peace and joy. But a big problem will challenge the human beings again and the struggles between the inhabitants of Esperanzia will turn into a serious question about survival...
A carnivalesque tragicomedy of our present to reflect about what we can do for change the world. What does “society “ mean? Which future do we imagine for the world and humanity?
Esperanzia is a theatre project that involve about 26 amateurs actors from 9 till 83 years old, different culture backgrounds, social issues and participative desire. The aim is to open the “doors” of the theatre and give to the theatre the role of social cohesion space, creating opportunities for participation and embracing diversity.
Concept and directed: Daniele Bianco
Technic: Laurens Claas